Jordan ranked one of the most influential tourist boards

The Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) was put through the paces as its website was evaluated based on a list of multiple variables to determine a user’s Klout Score.

The Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) was put through the paces as its website was evaluated based on a list of multiple variables to determine a user’s Klout Score. This method more accurately determines the true influence and reach of an account.

As a result, the Influencers in Travel website has ranked JTB and its Visit Jordan online accounts as one of the 25 Most Influential Tourist Boards and DMOs Online as of May 15, 2011.

The final score represents how successful a user is at “engaging their audience and how big of an impact their word has on people.” This is done by not focusing as much on the number of followers, but focusing more on factors such as the sharing of information and how much it compels others to share it or respond to it. Another important factor is the ability of a user to spread content into networks beyond the account’s own network.

The Jordan Tourism Board is very proud of this accomplishment and hopes to continue growing with the great support of its followers. As of 2008, JTB has actively tried to increase its online presence. The board continues to launch several online campaigns and contests, most recently Capture Jordan (at ), as well as many projects to be found on its main website ( ) that further enhance travelers’ experiences when thinking about and planning a trip to Jordan.

Managing Director of JTB Mr. Nayef Al-Fayez commented: “With this recognition, we gain more exposure for Jordan, which is our ultimate goal. We thank you and hope that we can continue to count on your support.”


  • As a result, the Influencers in Travel website has ranked JTB and its Visit Jordan online accounts as one of the 25 Most Influential Tourist Boards and DMOs Online as of May 15, 2011.
  • ” This is done by not focusing as much on the number of followers, but focusing more on factors such as the sharing of information and how much it compels others to share it or respond to it.
  • The final score represents how successful a user is at “engaging their audience and how big of an impact their word has on people.


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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