How to find a prostitute in Amsterdam? Tourism and brothels

How to find a prostitute in Amsterdam? Tourism and brothels

The Union for Dutch Sex workers doesn’t want to abandon one of the biggest tourist attractions in Amsterdam, the red light district and the famous windows where legal prostitution is a big earner for the tourism Euro.

eTN reported on July 4, that Amsterdam’s prostitutes in brothel windows may soon be a thing of the past after the new female mayor Femke Halsema has vowed to clean up the notorious red-light district and even close some of the famed window booths.

Prostitution is a big business and it’s the oldest business in Amsterdam. 18 million visitors visited the Amsterdam red-light district and had a peak in the windows where prostitutes compete for customers.

The mayor put 4 options on the table referring to the need of local residents complaining about increasing crime in the area.

The first is to literally draw curtains over the window booths so people cannot see the sex workers from the street.

The second option is to move some window booths to other areas of the city, while the more radical option three is to close down and move all of them.

However the fourth option is to actually increase the number of window brothels in the red light district from the current level of 330, and possibly also create a “sex hotel”, on the grounds that it will help sex workers trapped in the unlicensed sector to move to the licensed industry.

Recently, residents, business owners, and off-duty sex workers met city officials, including Halsema, to discuss and exchange ideas on her proposals, which are slated for further talks in the city council in September.

But residents also said that mass tourism in the Wallen caused great inconvenience — and in at least one case, physical harm.

In a scene all too familiar with locals, Gijs, a 47-year-old academic who asked to be identified only by his first name, said he was assaulted by a British tourist near his front door.




About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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