Madame Tussauds Berlin: Dump Trump, make America great again

Madame Tussauds Berlin puts Trump figure into garbage dumpster
Madame Tussauds Berlin: Dump Trump, make America great again
Written by Harry Johnson

Madame Tussauds Berlin Wax Museum placed a figure of a current US President Donald Trump in a garbage dumpster ahead of the US presidential election.

Prior to this, the figure of Trump was standing in the exhibition hall next to the figures of other American presidents – Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.

Trump’s wax figure now stands in a trash dumpster. There are symbolic “garbage bags” around it.

“Dump Trump, make America great again” is written on the container.

Some banners also have the words “You’re Fired” and “Fake news” on them.

“The action today has a symbolic character in connection with the elections in the US. We, Madame Tussauds Berlin, already decided to get rid of Trump’s wax figure,” commented the museum’s spokesman.


About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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