The bigger, greener apple: Responsible tourism in New York state

Written by Linda Hohnholz

The New York State Division of Tourism ranks alongside the world’s best national tourist boards in the responsible tourism league table.

The New York State Division of Tourism ranks alongside the world’s best national tourist boards in the responsible tourism league table. As New York State scores top marks in the first international responsible tourism league table, it unveils a video that showcases the state for those seeking a slower pace and a more authentic, local-flavored escape.

Responsible tourism is flourishing in New York state, driven by communities passionate about their heritage, landscape and wildlife. Developing these types of community-driven tourism experiences is something New York State Division of Tourism is taking seriously, recognising that in promoting tourism which supports and celebrates local people, and preserves the natural environment it is able to offer tourists a much more meaningful, memorable holiday experience.

Governor Andrew Cuomo says “From our millions of acres of protected wilderness where New Yorkers can hike or kayak, to our vast network of parklands, New York is truly unmatched when it comes to opportunities for sustainable tourism. On top of all that, these assets support eco-friendly jobs and growth in local communities, and ultimately reinforce the value of preservation.”

Following the release of the national tourist board league table, Responsible Travel was asked to assess New York state on the same basis. The result? The state’s commitment to responsible tourism has been recognised internationally against the world’s first league table of Tourist Boards where New York state scored six out of a maximum six. Graded by their commitment to responsible tourism as published on their websites, Responsible Travel’s top selling 50 destinations were assessed as to whether more should be done to ensure tax payers’ money is being used to promote local over global initiatives.

The six questions asked, relating to tourists boards’ vision, policies and activity in responsible and sustainable tourism were:

Is there any mention anywhere of responsible or sustainable tourism?
Does responsible or sustainable tourism feature in their vision/mission?
Do they have any specific policies for responsible or sustainable tourism?
Do they have evidence based reports on any achievements in responsible or sustainable tourism?
Do they identify holidays on their site that have been screened or audited for responsible tourism?
Do they provide any educational information or tips for tourists about responsible tourism?
Commenting on the results, Responsible Travel CEO Justin Francis said:

“New York state is a leading example of a tourist board using tax payer’s money to great effect and is clearly communicating its policies and action around responsible tourism. This gives local businesses a strong support network and infrastructure in which to flourish and directly benefits the community; to local enterprises, wildlife and the environment. We hope that other US Divisions of Tourism, as well as destinations worldwide, look to New York state as an example to follow.”


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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